Successful Door Knocking For Real Estate Investors

Door knocking or canvassing as I like to call it is a great way to get some great deals and some great experience. You can do it yourself first and once you get the hang of it then you can hire others to work for you to do it.

There are also many types or groups that you can canvass. You can canvass in apartment complexes to find potential buyers of your properties. You can canvas pre foreclosure properties. You can get this list at the county courthouse or subscribe to a listing service that offers these types of lists. You can also just pick a neighborhood or 'farming area' as the realtor's call it to find properties to buy and either resell them or rent them out.

There are many places you can canvass. Canvassing is like putting out door hangers but you will actually ring the doorbell and have a script you say at the door. You may be going to people in pre foreclosure or just in neighborhoods where you want to buy houses. Realtors do it all the time and they call it 'farming a market'. You want to be careful when canvassing especially if you are female and/or you are hiring others to do it
for you. You never know who will
answer the door

How to get the door opened:

Most people are afraid to open the door to a stranger. Here are a few ideas that will work and give you a jump on any other investor out knocking on their door.
Always make sure that you have a clipboard with a lead sheet or form on it to look professional. Here is another idea to help get the door opened. Simply go down to a passport photo place and have a name tag made with your picture on it and the name of your company with a title like Housing Consultant. Once you get this, you need to put it on your shirt so that you are standing at the door and the homeowner is looking through the peephole, they will see you have a name tag on with your picture and they will no longer be afraid to answer the door. It works great! I know from experience.

Make sure you or your canvassers also have flyers or door hangers with them so they can leave something at the home if no one comes to the door. Be sure to make it fun and exciting and you can do this by offering spiffs or bonuses to your canvassers when they get a lead or deal. Also remember to take plenty to drink so they will not get dehydrated.

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